A new generation platform

Easily manage your funds from your smartphone or web browser.

A new generation platform

Manage your funds easily

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ersion Web

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Google Play





Manage all your trading accounts from your wallet. Management is more efficient with full visualization. Your deposits feed your various portfolios.

   Fiat money


Trading accounts

Have a complete visualization of your different trading accounts. And handle your funds as you wish.

 Deposit & withdrawal history

 Internal transfers between accounts

 Trading activity report

IB Partnership

By being an IB partner, you have a complete module with detailed statistics.

 Reward volume

​ Full report of your prospects

 Conversion rate report


Manage all your trading accounts from your wallet. Management is more efficient with full visualization. Your deposits feed your various portfolios.

   Fiat money


Comptes de Trading

Have a complete visualization of your different trading accounts. And handle your funds as you wish.

 Deposit & withdrawal history

 Internal transfers between accounts

 Trading activity report

Partenariat IB

By being an IB partner, you have a complete module with detailed statistics.

 Reward volume

​ Full report of your prospects

 Conversion rate report


La sécurité se trouve dans l'ADN même d'European Trade. En tant qu'organisation de courtier Forex & Plateforme d'Investissement, la sécurité est prise très au sérieux.

 Double Authentication Factor

 Google Authenticator

 Code by Message (SMS)

 Anti Phishing Code​​


Vérification simple

Check your documents in a few clicks to be able to make withdrawals. By verifying your account, you secure your funds to the maximum.

 Verified under 24 hours



La sécurité se trouve dans l'ADN même d'European Trade. En tant qu'organisation de courtier Forex & Plateforme d'Investissement, la sécurité est prise très au sérieux.

 Double Authentication Factor

 Google Authenticator

 Code by Message (SMS)

 Code Anti-Phishing​

No answers to your question?

Send a message, and you will quickly be contacted by a manager

Séparez les adresses email par une virgule.

Google Play

Included Trading & cTrader Copy


Apple Store

Included Trading & cTrader Copy


ersion Web

Inclus Trading, Automate & Copy. Pour navigateurs 


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