Pourquoi European Trade est un courtier avantageux ? 

European Trade is an A Book trading broker, which means that traders' orders are executed on real financial markets. As an A Book broker, the main objective is to provide traders with transparent and reliable access to financial markets, by executing their transactions quickly and efficiently

In other words, European Trade acts as an intermediary between the trader and the market. This means that the broker does not have a direct interest in the outcome of its clients' trades, but rather charges commission fees on each transaction executed.

The key advantage of working with an A Book broker is transparency. By executing transactions on the real market, European Trade avoids potential conflicts of interest that may arise when working with a B Book broker, who tends to keep orders in-house and profit from losing traders.

With an A Book broker, clients can be assured that transactions are executed in a fair and impartial manner, and that prices reflect real market conditions. Most importantly, it means that the broker does not have a direct interest in the outcome of clients' trades, but rather charges commission fees on each transaction executed..

Why European Trade is an advantageous trading broker?

The added value of European Trade is the provision of trading robots. Being an A Book broker, European Trade charges commissions on each transaction, so the objective is quite simple: to provide profitable and high-quality investment solutions for traders to continue executing orders in the long term. The interest of both the trader and the broker is thus aligned.

​Example if European Trade was a B Book Broker:
If European Trade were a B Book broker, its objective would be to provide outdated trading robots in order to profit from the trader's losses.