Strategy Provider cTrader

Become a Strategy Provider on cTrader
14 December 2023 by
Strategy Provider cTrader
European Trade

Strategy Provider

All users of the platform European Trade cTrader can become a strategy provider in order to promote their trading strategy and charge fees to investors.

The option to become a strategy provider is accessible from the Copy tab. There you will find the list of your accounts, and it's by clicking on the account of your choice that you will find the “Become a strategy provider” button.

Please follow the steps below to get started as a copy strategy provider.

Become a Strategy Provider

1. Select a trading account from the list of accounts located in the Copy tab. 
The account page will appear on the central screen.

2. Once on your account dashboard, simply click on "Become a Strategy Provider" in the top right corner of your account.

3. By clicking, a window will open where you need to specify

Terms :

  • Name of Strategy : The name of your strategy will be displayed on the list of different strategies, try to be unique to stand out.
  • Minimum investment : The minimum amount required for investors to start copying your account/strategy.
  • Performance fee: The percentage that investors will pay to the strategy provider based on the net profit they have generated. 
  • Management fee: The amount you will charge your investors for managing their funds (up to 30% of investors' equity).
  • Volume fee: The amount you will charge your investors for a volume of 1 million (Ex: 10 lots on the EURUSD pair)
  • Fee account: A trading account where the charged fees will be deposited. Fees are automatically deducted from investors' accounts and sent directly to your trading account.
  • Allow copying for: Choose whether you want to allow copying for Real accounts only, or for Real and Demo accounts. This setting cannot be changed when you provide your policy.

Visibility :

  • Visible for : Choose who can see and copy your strategy. Either all traders and your strategy appears in the list of strategies. Or by invitation link only.
  • Show Positions To : Choose who can see your open positions: Everyone, just your investors, or no one.

Description :

  • Description : Add a description to your strategy. Make your prospects understand the benefits of copying your account. Describe your experience and successes.

Once complete, click Become a Strategy Provider to confirm your action.

Manage a Strategy

When providing a strategy, click on the preview of your strategy in the list of accounts to expand the strategy profile on the central screen. At the top of the strategy profile, you will see a summary of the strategy that includes:

  • Logo of the Strategy
  • Name of the Strategy
  • ID European Trade cTrader from the strategy provider
  • ROI of thr Strategy
  • Funds invested on the strategy
  • Number of investors
  • The age of strategy

You can also find all the statistics

  • Total Commissions Acquired: The total amount of all commissions earned to your investors. 
  • Total Number of Copiers The total number of investors who have already copied the strategy since startup.
  • Average number of copiers per day: The average number of investors copying your strategy daily. It is calculated by dividing the total number of investors by the number of days your strategy has been active. 
  • Total Volume Copied : The total USD volume copied by live investors. 
  • Average Volume Copied per Day : The total volume copied divided by the number of days your strategy was active. 
  • Total Amount of Capital Copying: The amount of USD funds currently copied by investors. 
  • Average Funds Copying per Day : The average amount of funds copied daily by live investors. 
  • Total Number of Deals Copied: The total number of transactions copied since the start of the strategy.

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